Life at Kwakol - Ijuptil Dauda

My experience so far at Kwakol has been one word, ‘amazing’. 


Ijuptil Dauda

Date Published

July 12, 2022


Life at Kwakol

Before I joined Kwakol in 2021, the highlight of my year was my convocation. I was very excited to start at Kwakol, especially because I already knew some people who worked there, and I looked forward to joining the team. 

Currently, I’m a Technical Support Officer in the IT Department at Kwakol. It’s my job to help clients and staff with IT-related issues like staff onboarding on the products we use in-house, and configuring our systems (applications) to ensure a more seamless experience for clients. 

A typical day for me at Kwakol will be one where I wake up as early as 6am to get ready for work, sign-in in time at the office, check Slack for any messages, and attend to physical and online technical issues. 

For instance, I’ve to ensure the Internet is working so as not to disrupt workflow at the office, resolve complaints from clients, and play my part in achieving the team’s goals for the week by managing our IT products like Kwakol Trader’s Room, Kwakol Funds, API, MT4 and MT5, etc. 

My experience so far at Kwakol has been one word, ‘amazing’. 

Before joining the team, one of the things I looked forward to was the learning experience and this is literally what I get day in, day out. It’s been great working with people that have so much experience in their various fields, and the fact that Kwakol is an open office makes it easy to join in on the enlightening conversations. 

I love my job! 

I love how flexible and engaging the work environment is here at Kwakol, especially with the amount of tasks we have to complete. I remember when we were working on the launch of the Kwakol Funds App and there was so much work that needed to be done within a short timeframe. The entire office was involved in making that happen, and that was very exciting. 

There are even times that clients send emails on issues they have, and you don’t know where to start. It’s in moments like this I have to sit down, analyse the situation to decipher if the issue is coming from our end, or theirs, and figure out the best solution. It’s like, you’re never really sure what you’re going to get everyday. The uncertainty keeps you on your toes because with each one, you have to think outside the box. 

Just a few things before I tap out. 

One, you should not be keeping your money in the bank or at home. Your money should be at Kwakol, where we can help you build a portfolio that appreciates in value. Two, I'd like it to be on record that I’m a sweet boy, it’s very important. Three, the entire office space at Kwakol is nice but then (if you know me, you’ll know ‘but then’ is what I say all the time), the back office is where the magic happens. 

I hope to see you all on the winning side.

Peace out! ✌🏿

Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a degree of risk to your capital. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, taking into account your investments objectives and level of experience, before trading, and if necessary seek independent advice. Read More Here-

Disclaimer: This information in this article is NOT investment advice. It is intended for information and entertainment purposes only.

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