The rise of the Tech Bro

Its 2022, There are only two types of professionals: Tech bros and others.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


Bashir Saine

Date Published

February 4, 2022



Key points

  • Who is a tech bro
  • Why you should consider becoming one

The digital economy has been growing at an unprecedented rate. According to Oxford Economics, the digital economy is worth $11.5 trillion globally, equivalent to 15.5 percent of global GDP and that has grown two and a half times faster than global GDP over the past 15 years, almost doubling in size since the year 2000.

Africa is also catching up with the trend. In 2021, African startups raised $4 billion in funding with Nigeria getting the largest chunk of it in the sum of it $1.37 billion (The giant of Africa flexing some muscle!). These figures are expected to be greater in the coming years as the African Tech sector picks up momentum. 

Consequently, with the massive growth of the digital economy comes huge interest and demand in professionals with tech skills; come in the Tech bro. 

A “Tech bro” has many definitions. defines tech bros as “A hypermasculine man employed in the tech industry and stereotypically located in Silicon Valley”. PC Mag defines the term as “A slang for the technical community. It sometimes refers to the newly minted millionaires and billionaires after the launch of a high-tech IPO”. For the purpose of this aritcle, we’ll use Nairametrics definition as a lingo used to describe a guy (or lady) working in the tech space. This person could be a founder of a tech startup or a developer working for one and everything in between. 

These tech bros come with different skills and titles, ranging from Software developers, UI/UX designers, data analysts and scientists, product managers, and even technical writers. With the emergence of new technologies, new jobs are constantly being created in the sector. In fact, experts predict Nigeria’s digital sector could add $88 billion and 3 million jobs to the economy by 2027.

What all of this information suggests is that the tech sector is presenting many opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment. And I am here to present you with a few reasons why you should probably hop on the bandwagon. 

Reasons why you should consider becoming a tech bro

  1. If you want to chill with the big boys, tech can take you there: I was listening to “How far?”, the popular podcast by Temi Otedola and Mr. Eazi the other day, during the episode, Eazi mentioned how he was chilling in the club with a couple of friends who were all richer than he was! (and he is pretty rich). Apparently, they happened to be tech bros! News on the street is tech bros are the new Oil workers. People working in Tech make pretty good money. Most Tech jobs sit comfortably at the top half of Indeed’s list of highest paying jobs.  If you have the ambition and grit, you can even create your own start-up and possibly be a Dollar millionaire in a cou[ple of years if you’re successful. 
  1. It's pretty easy to break into: Unlike some other lucrative professions such as Medicine or law, you do not need many years of schooling and professional training to become a tech bro. In fact, if you have a laptop and internet connection, you can get your first tech job after just months of consistent self-learning and practice. I have a friend who learned how to build websites from watching youtube videos in just 3 months! He got his first entry-level web developer job soon after.
  1. You can choose where to work from: Whether you prefer working as part of a team with a 9-5 workday or you want to be a freelancer working from the comfort of your home, most tech jobs have room for both. According to, about 40% of the highest paying freelance jobs are tech jobs. 
  1. You get to be called a Tech bro: If all the above reasons haven’t convinced you yet, then maybe considering the fact that you get to include the highly coveted title of  “Tech bro” In your Twitter bio should be motivation enough. Tech bros are part of the “cool crowd” on Twitter. If you doubt me, just check Elon Musk’s engagement, he is the biggest Tech bro of them all. I mean, if there were to be a real-life Tony Stark, it would be Mr Musk, right? 

So, if you’re looking for a new and exciting job, with a good pay and a cool title, you wouldn't want to look too far past becoming a Tech Bro.

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